• ​​Communities Putting Prevention to Work

  • Federal HIV/STD Prevention Programs

  • Federal Diabetes Prevention Programs

  • Federal Breast and Cervical Cancer Programs

  • Longitudinal Obesity Surveillance System

  • Communities of Excellence Programs

  • Rural Health Network Development Programs

  • Rural QA/QI Initiatives

  • Operational Assessment Programs for Rural Hospitals

  • Safe Routes to School Program

REG has worked with many different partners to create successful and sustainable programs. Whether you need assistance with grant submission, grant reviews or a full scale program evaluation, we are ready to be your partner.

Take a look below to see a sample of partners we have worked with. 

© 2013-Present | Rural Evaluation Group, LLC

Peter Walton

  • Native American Health and Wellness Programs

  • Federal Asthma Prevention Programs

  • Federal Comprehensive Cancer Control Programs

  • Statewide School Physical Activity and Nutrition Programs

  • Community Health Needs Assessments

  • Tobacco Use and Prevention Programs

  • Rural Hospital Improvement Programs

  • Financial Assessment Programs for Rural Hospitals

  • FitnessGram

  • Federal Breastfeeding Program